Just in time...
The banks are closed, the windows shuttered, a sentiment of vague unease spreads throughout the superficially calm city. The rumors begin to spread- will there or won’t there be a new memorandum? Are the drachmas already being printed? Are the rich getting ready passports, cash and jewels for a quick exit, their own private “Grexit” in direction of Switzerland? And the crowds still head to the sea and the cafes, maybe for one last time...
The Chinese stock market is in collapse, while New York stock exchange was, perhaps, hacked along with all the grounded United Airlines flights and the Wall Street Journal website. Everyone wonders: is this “the big one”? Can an era such as ours that has incessantly dreamed of apocalypse now actually avoid it?
Such times- which are not at all for the timid, or for people ready to apply a thousand half-measures rather than do any one thing whole-heartedly, for the over-delicate dreading even the most minor of shocks, for the too-refined and decadent tyranny of Empire- no, no, the era we are entering into, the new scene of the world stage, these are the times of the Barbarians.